Take Pride, Take Care: Frankie Cavalcanti

Posted by: Sara Jane Emmons

Fur’s mission has always been to provide comfort and care for everyone: that means all skin types, all hair types, and all genders. With all that’s going on in the U.S. and the world in general, it’s more important than ever to take pride in yourself and your identity—but it’s also more important than ever to take care of yourself. So with that in mind, for this year’s Pride month we're celebrating a few incredible NYC based people in the LGBTQ+ community, and learning more about how they take care and take pride all year round. 


Group of people looking at camera in front of mirror / Frankie Cavalcanti


Tell us a little about yourself!

My name is Frankie, I'm a Libra-Scorpio Cusp, identify as she/her, and I’m a model with WeSpeak. I’m also a WSI (Water Safety Instructor)!


What’s your favorite song at the moment?

My fave song at the moment is EARFQUAKE by Tyler, The Creator cause we love Tyler.


What’s your go to skincare trick?

Tea tree oil saves lives. Got a blemish and a shoot the next day? Just put a lil tea tree on that and over night the redness is gone. Make sure you moisturize afterwards, it’s very drying and it doesn’t work for everyone but for my combination skin it works wonders. 


Frankie Cavalcanti


What’s your go to haircare trick?

I only wax my body hair, and over the years it’s made my hair less coarse. Being Brazil I have very thick body hair and when I shave it’s impossible to avoid bumps. I don’t wash the hair on my head very often—if I can, I try to hold it off for as long as I can so I get the natural oils from my scalp eventually to my ends. I still wash it 2-3 times a week but if I could I’d only wash it once a week, honestly. It makes my hair the most healthy and strong feeling when I do wash it. Fragrance and drying chemicals are a big no no.  


What’s the one thing you used to do to your hair or skin when you were younger, but would never consider doing now?

I loved over shaving, I felt like I always needed to remove my hair because I felt insecure with it. I created so many scars I’m still working on lightening today. Now, I let my hair grow out before waxing. 


Do you use hair as a form of expression? If so, how?

Yes, sometimes I want my body hair and I find it to be very liberating. It’s the same feeling as having a d*ck appointment and then getting a full body wax. It all depends on how I’m feeling.


What does self-care mean to you, and how essential is it to your every day wellbeing?

Self-care to me is extremely important, I feel like I can’t properly be there for others unless I’m in a good headspace and in good health. Being a student and needing to work to survive at the same time is very difficult, so I’m still trying to find balance. Lately the simple things matter, like eating three meals, staying hydrated and sleep. Otherwise, I try to be intuitive, like if my body hurts I make time for yoga. If I’m tired, I try to fit in a nap. The simple things are important to my self care routine. It’s been a little over a year since I recovered from an eating disorder called  Orthorexia (an unhealthy obsession with being healthy, so much so you become clinically anorexic). I need to keep myself care simple and not too rigid or strict because I’d hate to relapse.


Group of people sitting on stools in front of a mirror / Frankie Cavalcanti


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